Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dust Yourself Off and Try Again...

What would you do for a Lenny Kravitz & Prince album? I know they are both absolutely eccentric human beings, but if these two dudes collaborated on an album, I would buy 5 copies. The pure awesomeness of them combined on a rock/funk album would probably blow peoples minds. I'm not saying it would reach Wyld Stallions type heights, but it would come pretty close.

That brings me to a question... who decided to team things up, and why? Like what possessed the inventor of the root beer float, who should have their own holiday in my opinion(I feel a separate blog should be done on this topic), to put root beer and vanilla ice cream together? Was everyone around him like, "No don't do it!! You don't know what will happen!" Was he considered crazy like Magellan, or Galileo?

I love experimentation. My family will co-sign to this. I have been experimenting with the same cookie recipe for like 2 years, and I fail every time. But experimentation also has brought some success, as evidenced by my infinitely popular Pizza Casserole. But with each failure I find my self closer to success. And besides, some of my failures are more spectacular than the times I have succeeded.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Lenny Kravitz in concert years ago...good stuff...but to be honest, I'd rather have a good cookie than be at a Lenny Kravits concert today. I must be getting old.
