What happened to do overs? Like at what point does getting a do over no longer apply? I remember being a kid, and getting a do over when I messed up on something. But now" you mess up and everybody expects you to live with the consequences. Had I known I only had a finite amount of do overs I would have saved them until I really needed them. Like for the time I accidentally asked a lady if it was a boy or a girl and she wasn't pregnant.(totally could have used a do over there.) Or the time I decided to eat WAY too many dinner rolls at Thanksgiving.(about 30 people wish I had one then.) I think we should have a National Do Over Day. Not something that you can abuse intentionally, so you can't go punch your boss in the face and then scream "Do over!!!" and have everything be all good. But for accidents, like for a guy who is nervous on a first date. That way if he says something dumb, or accidentally farts due to nerves he can get a chance to start over.
Along the same vein but kinda not, is the NFL coaches challenge flag. Can someone talk to the commish and see if we can get these for everyday use? You know, if a call doesn't go your way, you should be allowed to throw the flag and have a referee review the instance. There's a joke in here somewhere about the ugly friend and illegal blocking, but I just don't have the time.
"But Bobby..." You all say."As an adult you are supposed to be responsible and blah blah blah...." Whatever. Do overs are great. I think if we had life would be better. You can't tell me NBC wouldn't like a do over with the whole Conan O'Brien thing.
What would be your BIG do-over?