Monday, January 25, 2010

Beat Fighter?

So I'm sitting at the casa, watching street fighter: the legend of chun-li. (I put about as much effort into capitalizing the title, as the cast and crew did into ensuring that this movie didn't suck.) So I'm sitting here watching the "fight scenes". I put this into quotations, because fighting in movies reminds me a lot of interpretive dance. Everything has a rhythm to it. a style, grace, and fluidity, that makes it seem not genuine. They all have pauses and beats to them that seems to change them from cool looking fight sequences, to asian style b-boy battles with punches and kicks. (no disrespect to asians, b-boys, or combinations of the two.) Where am I going with this?

I guess my point is that everyone who has been in a real fight knows there is very little style, grace, or fluidity to it.  It's usually two guys furiously slap-boxing, and hugging like grade school girls on the playground. In real life, no group attacking one guy would ever wait in line for their turn, and no amount of martial arts mastery would save you from bullets. But I guess if anyone made a martial arts movie where the fighting was realistic, no one would ever watch.  I'm just saying...

1 comment:

  1. Not to be too risque...but sex in the movies is the same. There's a lot of posing and very little "Ouch you're on my hair".
