Yesterday was my birthday. So after celebrating my official entrance into "official adulthood", I decided to sit down and take stock of the last year.
I started this blog last year on my birthday with the intention of writing one a week. Including this one, I have written 39. Safe to say, I came up short. But I would like to think that the quality of my posts, more than makes up for my failure to reach my goal.
I wanted to use my imagination and creativity to bring joy to someone. I'm about a third of the way there. Hopefully I can get it done, and share it with everyone.
I wanted to be gainfully employed Still not quit there yet. Hopefully God is preparing a wonderful environment for me.
There are other things I had on the list, but these were the main ones. I guess that even though I didn't successfully check these three off the list, I don't consider this last year a loss. I had good times, and I have surrounded myself with good people. And that is what made it a very good year.
It has been a joy to read your blog. You are funny and creative and a darn good writer. I look forward to reading more. I also pray that this will be the year of EMPLOYMENT for many...especially you!