Dear Giants Fans,
As I type this your team has just won a World Series. As a lifelong Dodgers fan I have no choice but to sit here and be bitter that your team this year did what my team for the last two years could not. Beat the Phillies and won the world series. Doesn't mean I can't be mad though.
I know there are some of you who are true fans. So for the handful of you who know who Robby Thompson is, please skip the next paragraph or so. I want to address the bandwagoners for just a few moments. Now some of you may get upset and say "Hey! I'm not a bandwagon fan!" I've been following the giants since July and they were bad back then!" You sir are a bandwagon fan no doubt about it. The fact that you are over the age of 15 and own a panda hat confirms it. You will probably be the guy at the parade wearing the fake beard your mom made you when the playoffs started. I work in SF and its been rough the last 4 weeks walking around my job as everyday more people showed up in brand new, crispy clean Giants hats, saying things like “Gee that Brian Wilson is good closer, but is he the son of that guy from the Beach Boys?” Another example. In May I got the opportunity to go and sit in a box seat that my company owns. All the other people stayed in the room drinking copious amounts of alcohol while I was the only one that watched. Now these same people are quoting Aubrey Huff’s batting average with runners in scoring position. True story time! After Hit his homer a guy in my office screamed out, "OMG!(yes, he actually used omg) that guy just hit a bases loaded 3 run homer!" Say hello to you 2011 new fan!!!
So congrats true Giants fans, you’ve earned it. For you lifers, I know you’ve been through a lot. The ’89 quake series, and the game six Russ Ortiz debacle in ‘02. Not to forget the year Skinny Barry and the gang won 100 games and couldn’t beat the Dodgers on the last day to get into the postseason. I’ve been there through it all with you and tap danced on your tears. I wore a rally monkey and constantly said things like “Too bad they haven’t won on the west coast.” and I deserve this moment right now. So enjoy the upcoming ticket price raise, all the seats being bought up by companies so their VP of marketing can wine and dine clients. Or by business execs who show up late, text or check email until the 7th inning, and then leave early. Or the bleacher creatures who only talk junk to old ladies, little girls, or when your team is up by double digit runs. Enjoy being pushed out by wine drinkers, and people who don’t understand why you cheer for a sacrifice fly. Since the Dodgers have lost, I have shifted my focus to football and basketball seasons. And know that I take great joy in remembering that the local teams still suck at these sports.
Some may ask, “Bobby why do you say hateful things about the Giants?” Because I’m a Dodgers fan, and its my job, and as I speak people who lay dormant for months are blowing up my facebook wall with posts about how they knew this was their year. About how, they knew back in April that this team had magic, and that a bunch of has beens and almost weres would bring home the title. I’d hoped that the Giants would go on a Red Soxian type drought where generations of fans knew nothing but heartbreak. Like I told a coworker today, “If the Giants were playing an alien race… and the loser would have their entire race annihilated? I would root for the aliens.” So erect your statue of Aubrey Huff and talk about how Cody Ross and Aaron Rowand are first ballot hall of famers. I’ve said my piece and I will say no more…. Until next season that is. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get to my car before I’m hit by a rioter throwing empty Merlot bottles.
I only scanned this post because it was about baseball...not only was I not on any bandwagon, I didn't even see a recap of any of the games. You can be the Giants hater if you like, but I go one more and I'm a pro-baseball hater. There, I took the heat off you a bit.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I only know the Giants won because of your blog :)
ReplyDeleteHey Bobby, I went to my first Giants game at Seals Stadium. I listened to the games with my Dad on a transistor radio in the 50's and 60's. As life interfered I listened and watched less and less. The Prima Donna attitude of the modern players pushed me away even more. I do envy your loyalty a little bit even as misguided as it is. I did not watch or listen to a single baseball game this year until the post season. But I still get caught up in the fever that comes with the all that and enjoy a Pennant Race or any Championship Series that involves my home town. I watched the 2002 post season, too (didn't enjoy THAT as much) but, I'm sorry, I just don't make time for baseball any more but love the post season. And, no, I don't remember Shawon Dunston, or why he threw out a ceremonial first pitch, but that's just the kind of fan I am.
PS, maybe I'll watch more cause I would like to see one of those bases loaded, 3 run homers!