Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quick Question

I was working on a short story idea, and I came across a question. "What in life is worth killing for?" I asked my brother P.K., who coincidentally is no use when it comes to metaphorical questions, his take. His reply was "Nothing at all." After berating him for being useless(Seriously, he was.), I sent a text to my dad. No more than five minutes later I get this reply: "wife and mother". Accurate, but does not really help me in what I am efforting to do.

So I ask you, well the nine of you who read this, to tell me what do you think is worth killing for?


  1. I think when innocent people are being hurt then you have a duty to respond in kind if you can legally. BUT, to answer your question more directly...when it comes to killing...I think (for me personally) I would have no qualms about it, if it was to defend myself from being killed or anyone I love. If an intruder came into my house and was dangerous...I'd shoot or baseball bat them to the head given the opportunity...I think.

    I thought maybe for God, but I think that's more likely the question "What in life is worth DYING for?" Although a righteous anger would have us go to war to protect the innocent.

    I can't think of any material thing worth killing for...only worth fighting for. People would be the only thing that would push me over the line to kill.

    Does that help???

  2. In general I would say "thou shall not murder," but I think there may be a difference between killing and murdering. I don't ever, ever want to take someone's life especially if it steals their chance to repent & seek God, BUT I'm keenly aware of the mother bear in me that wouldn't hesitate to obliterate anyone trying to harm my babies (or husband, but he's pretty good at protecting himself).
