Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blogging Blues

Everyone who reads my blog (thank you to the 5 of you again, for that.) always says two things. They initially start off with, "I love your blog, it's hilarious." To which I always respond with a sincere thank you. Then they follow it up with this, "You should blog more."

I never know what to say to that. don't take it the wrong way, I love the fact that people enjoy reading what I have to say so much that they want to read more of it, but it just gets hard sometimes. I feel like I've run out of things to say.

Maybe I peaked to early. Maybe I will never be able to top the pirate fantasy camp, or the girlfriend/cheeseburger debate. So yeah... does anyone have any ideas?


  1. I say take a break then. I only blog when inspiration hits. You are very funny and very clever, but don't pressure yourself. Another option is to Google writing prompts. If you are a writer (which I think you are) you should be writing a little everyday whether it's for you or public viewing.

  2. Things I think you should write about:
    -The moment you knew you wanted to marry the Future Wife (unless the League of Men rules against such mushiness)
    -Your favorite childhood memory
    -The things that you are truly passionate about and why you think God may have given them to you
    -The best songs to listen to while driving
    -Going from being your parents' son (which you will always be, but it'll be different) to your wife's husband
    -The greatest food you've ever tasted
