I'm sorry blogfans, I've been slacking. Mainly due to work and other things and I realize there is no excuse. I will try to get back to some sort of normalcy as my life devolves into utter madness. Why is that you ask? Stop being nosy... I'll tell you soon enough, just not today.
I received a back handed compliment the other day. I won't get into specifics, but just know someone paid me a compliment that wasn't. But it got me thinking, are any compliments truly genuine? Or is it the person's interpretation of the compliment that makes it seem backhanded? Case in point- Two women spot each other after a prolonged period of not seeing each other. One says to the other:"Have you lost weight? You look gorgeous!" My brain interprets that as the lady thought her friend was fat and ugly before. Or when someone says something along the "I never knew you were so smart" line, my brain translates it into "I honestly thought you were stupid until just right now."
I guess its no secret now that I don't take compliments well. You could say something nice, and I will immediately look for the antithesis of the statement you just made. It's like I'm hard wired to be negative. But at least I always say thank you... That helps a little right?
Yes, the "thank you" is a start. Yet another insightful post...good job (and I mean it). My mom-in-law once said I was the "smart one" and that the other daughter-in-law was the "pretty one"...so I'm ugly and she's stupid, right?