Saturday, August 28, 2010

Running Is Not FUNdamental.

So since we've last talked, I've started to get into better shape. I looked at myself in the mirror recently and was not happy with what I was seeing. With big things in the works, now seemed like a good time to tighten up the abs, tone the pecks, and upgrade to bigger guns.

So I figured I'd start slow, do some jogging 3 times a week. And I must say, it sucks pretty hard. The massive mounts of basketball I have played have apparently turned my knees into the joint equivalent of a baby with a bad case of colic. They communicate their discomfort with my new life choice in the form of pain. Its like someone set my knees on fire, and then stabbed them rusty nails.

And with every step comes a reminder that running for exercise is really a stupid idea. Like running for recreation makes no sense. We were meant to run objectively, to accomplish goals. Back in the day, people were either running to catch food or running not to be food. "But what about the other things, like the runners high?" you ask. That junk is a myth. I don't feel endorphins when I run, I feel hatred. Just a seething anger against my body for its varying aches and pains. And after I'm done I can't enjoy completing it because I know I gotta come back and do it all over again in 2 days.

You may be thinking, "Well if you hate it so much, then why keep doing it?" and that is a very valid question. Why would someone as intelligent (so I say) and lazy (so others say) run? My answer is simply this: I'm doing it to get a new job. I mean if I'm planning to be the Michael Jordan of underwear models, I gotta do something right?

1 comment:

  1. You could "Power Walk" because that doesn't make anyone look goofy.
