Monday, July 12, 2010

Minority Blues

Dude! I've been slacking... and I realize this. But I've been busy, plus the 10 peeps who actually enjoy reading this don't care enough to bug me, so why should you? But anyways I'm here to talk about the discrimination I've experienced as a minority. And before you all go, "You're black... we get it. Get over it already." I'm not talking about that kind... I'm talking about being left handed.

Everything in the world is made for you righties. But for "special" people like me, we get almost nothing. People have always said, "But since we all think with the opposite side of our brains, only left handed people are in their right mind.." Dumb. Stop trying to make us feel better about our situation. We all know you laugh at us on the inside. So in typical Bobby fashion, I've made a small list on the reasons why it sucks to be left handed.

1. Desks: Every class at my high school had 29 right handed desks, and 1 left handed desk,and it was never in the same place twice. So I had to show up early to make sure I got the left handed desk. My teachers all lauded me for a willingness to learn, where as I wanted to make sure I got the desk that didn't have me writing with half my arm hanging off for an hour. And He
Heaven forbid if there were two lefties in a class, and you had to fight it out cage match style for the desk.

2. Scissors: Elementary school was cool with desks, but the scissors for lefties were highly suspect. They were old and rusty, and never cut anything. I remember all the righties with their cool, pointy, red handled scissors cutting easily through their paper, while me and my round tipped, rustry, dull, green handled scissors looked like a toothless septagenarian.

3. The English Language: Yep I said it... the english language. It hates lefties. Nothing is more aggravating than going left to right while being left handed, and watching everything you just wrote end up all over your hand and sweatshirt. "But Bobby... why not hold your hand up?" you ask. And my response to that is because my arm hurt! Its hard work to elevate in a writing position with no suppport for an hour.

Be nice to lefties... we are a minority. It sucks to have nearly everything on earth hate you. So if you know a leftie, don't hesitate to hug them... but be gentle, their arm might be tired.


  1. I always thought you used the left handed desk so you could cheat easier when sitting behind me in Geometry.

  2. I'm a LEFTY! Woohoo! You failed to mention that a lot of those credit card pads have the pen attached on the right side and are difficult to stretch to the other side...ugh!
