Friday, June 25, 2010

Grown Ups Just Wanna Have Fun

PK and I were driving yesterday about adulthood and our dreams vs our realities. I made a reference to that movie the kid with bruce willis. I asked PK that if 10 year old me met 30 year old me, would he hate my guts? Would my reality measure up to his dreams and his perception of being a grown up?

I'm not talking about being an astronaut or princess or anything like that, but just about what you thought being a grown up was when you were little versus what it actually is. I remember being younger, and declaring that I was going to stay up all night when I got to be a grown up, only to findout that some nights I go to bed earlier than I did when I was a kid. And as you get older, you get to make more decisions... lame. This may be true, but the decisions I got to make 20 years ago were way cooler than the ones I make today. 10 year old me got to pick what curb he was gonna jump his bike off of, how many couch cushions to use for his fort, what tree he was going to climb, or between Zelda or Peach, which princess he was going to save. Let me say that 30 year old me is jealous.

You may wonder where this is coming from. Well for the past 2 weeks my little cousins have been visiting us, and every night they tell me about all the fun they had as they fall asleep on the couch. Part of me misses that sheer excitement of reliving the days events, while the rest of me is excited to see it from a different angle... through them. They want me to join in, so I'm gonna go do that. I highly suggest you do the same. So A-Rock and Mackey, be prepared for way too much fun this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think my Junior High brain ever turned off. I think my younger self might be impressed that I stand up to my parents now, that I have a really awesome "boyfriend" (or hubby), and that I have really cool friends that I know love me...I am not jealous of my younger self at all...then again I work in youth ministry so I surround myself with young stuff all the time.
