At work the other day Big Al, Juan Burgundy, The Yeti, and myself were discussing the transformers movies. I hate these movies as anyone who knows me can attest, (an entirely separate post) when the subject of the karate kid came up. For those of you who have been in a cave for the last 8 months Will Smith decided that we needed another member of his family in show business and decided to "remake" the karate kid.
I use remake loosely because it isn't a true remake. In this one, the kid is no older than 11, his mother moves him to china, and then proceeds to work all day while her son gets beat up constantly. If that doesn't make matters worse, he meets an older gentleman who teaches him kung fu(not karate) so that he can eventually beat up the bully who terrorized him at the beginning of the film. They should have named this movie "Irresponsible Adults" because that's what was going on. The only thing that would have made this grind my gears more would have been if the flick was released on July 4th aka "Big Willy Weekend".
You may wonder why I'm upset. Only because the original was already great. You can't beat crane kicks on a stump at sunset, and I dare you to try. I don't want this movie to be successful for two reasons. 1. Because I firmly believe they should have redone a movie that sucked first, and 2. If this goes well(which it will) in about 12 years the Cruises are going to team up with the Pitt-Jolie gang and remake the Goonies, except they will be looking for Bill Gates' lost golden microchip to save their animal shelter from being destroyed. (Kinda on topic, but the Goonies is one of The Girlfriend's favorite movies ever. And I have it on record that she will start piling bodies in the street if hollywood even thinks about touching that one) I'm. Just asking hollywood to respect the 80's. Its bad enough I gotta watch kids running around in neon outfits, with rat tails and lines cut into their heads, but is this new generation that unoriginal that you have to steal our movies too?
I agree completely. I feel like kids think us old folks are lame, but they go back and steal all our trends. I've even seen a leg warmer comeback (which is really unfortunate). Has this new generation lost the ability to imagine and create?