With the love and support of people like The Girlfriend, P.K., Stephiles, and Kosher, I have been doing a bit of creative writing. Outside of this blog which I should maintain a little better, I have written a few short stories, and I am working on a children's chapter book. It's nothing too crazy, just me being left alone with my thoughts. I see everything I want to put down on paper play out like a summer blockbuster in my mind. I see colors, hear sounds, and can practically smell and taste things like I am there. I mentioned these four people because when I attempt to write, these are the four people who inspire me.
My brother P.K. is my main competition, and I hate his guts. He plays the trombone in like several bands, and has written like six bajillion songs. It would be one thing if a few of them sucked, but everything he writes is good. And if that isn't enough, he has concerts where he gets on stage and plays all of his stupid jazz songs. Afterwards, people congratulate him on how awesome he is, and I get jealous. Right now, he is better at his craft than I am and that drives me to get better.
The Girlfriend is grade A, numero uno positive support. It is because of her that I even started writing at all. When I started writing and would get frustrated, she was always there with a word of encouragement, or some sort of support. She often times tells me that no matter what, the fact that I am doing this speaks volumes to what kind of man I am. She lifts me up, and it is reassuring to know that no matter what, win or lose, she will always be my number one fan.
Kosher is a little different. She keeps me in check. I applaud her for the fact that she has no problems telling me that I suck. If something is no good, she lets me know. If an idea is lame, she lets me know. Nobody I know is as hard on me as she is. But I know that is because she doesn't want me to settle for just being average.
Stephiles to me represents the public, or the people I want to impact with my writing. She is smart, funny, and just flat out awesome. She is an avid reader, and if prodded, I'm sure she has a few stories tucked away somewhere. My goal every time I sit down at the computer is to win her over. Since I haven't known her as long as the other three, I feel like I have something to prove to her. I want to be so amazing that my writing knocks her socks off.
I'm not trying to be the next Hemingway or Joyce... I just love to write. I feel like there are ideas in my head that would make a great story. I just gotta get them out on paper. I guess I also just gotta keep practicing. Hopefully these four people will continue to inspire me as I go along.
I'm honored by your words. I do have stories tucked away and dream of publishing. I love reading your stuff and it does knock my socks off. I especially love your descriptions...your colorful blockbuster thought are showing up in your writing AND you are funny...those are my favorite things in a writer. Keep going!