Sunday, September 12, 2010

How I Spent My Summer...

So it's been awhile, nearly two weeks. I'm starting to feel like the world's worst writer... At least I would, if someone actually read this thing. But enough of me rolling around in self pity, because I'm sure the 7 of you don't appreciate that at all. So let me just go ahead and give you the rundown of how I spent my summer.

I worked... a lot. I ate, and slept a lot. Oh and I also got engaged. That's right, after 7 long years, The Girlfriend got her promotion. I may consider keeping her name in this blog as The Girlfriend, because I don't particularly like the name The Fiance. Sounds too much finance, plus I imagine that the actual word "fiance" is the common slang name of 14th century French executioners. (Purely speculation though, so don't quote me on this.)

But I have a bone to pick with all married men. All the married men I know have given me advice on every phase of marriage except the one I'm in now. If you exclude the "Women are crazy" or the "Let her win the argument" lines, not one piece of useful advice has come out of this whole thing. Well I have found this gap, and I intend to fill it. Starting today I will be chronicling endeavors in the hopes that future generations of men will be adequately prepared for when they are engaged. I have started a new blog... Its called Dead Man Walking: The Final Days of Bobby Williams. It will discuss everything those who com after me will need to know. Kinda like a male version of the view in written form, but way more awesome.

Now I know what you're thinking "This dude sucks at updating one blog regularly, how's he gonna do two?" That is a good question. My response is this: shut it. I have no need for your rational questions. And in the future if you have another one of those, keep it to yourself. But in all seriousness this is a concerted effort to bombard you with me. Because you clearly need to know what I'm thinking more often.

1 comment:

  1. The engagement can still be a slippery slope...BEWARE. We had a touch and go moment I can blame on the Hubby's brother that involved a stripper...don't go there!!!!
